I have a full time 9-5 job and learning to code on the side is definitely a struggle. Even though learning to code can be considered “professional development” which my job encourages us to do, I still find it difficult sometimes to really sit down and focus on my goals. That is, until I made myself a system to keep up with it.
Literally just sitting down and figuring how much time i can realistically devote to code and then creating goals that are within my control is what really made a difference.
I code for at least 1 hour a day on weekdays. I also have weekly goals to finish checkpoint projects every week on freeCodeCamp.org. With just this simple and personalized system, I feel confident about reaching my own milestones for the year.
I highly recommend splitting up your year into quarters to focus on 3 months at a time. Looking at an entire year is not only overwhelming but hard to plan for. How would you know what you’ll be up to in October?
Anyways, that is my little comment for this week. Until next time!